Earthlink sign in from another computer

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There are two ways to access your account and sign in at Earthlink from another computer – webmail and email client. In this post, I shall detail both these options.

Sign in to Earthlink email via webmail

Webmail or web-based email is a simple method by which you can sign in at your Earthlink email account from another computer. All that’s requires is the familiar web browser program and an active internet connection. However, there is no guarantee that the other machine will have the same browser you’ve been using to sign in at Earthlink.

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This is a very minor issue as most, if not all, latest web browsers would be supporting the Earthlink webmail interface. If you are not sure which program to employ, contact the owner and ask them to open the browser and point it to the Earthlink login page.

Can’t find help? Refer the table below which lists the default web browsers on some popular operating systems.

Browser Operating System
Internet Explorer XP, Vista and Windows 7
Safari Macintosh OS X and others
Firefox (???) Linux versions

Start the web browser program on the other computer (don’t worry if it looks different from the one on your machine), open the Earthlink sign in page and type in your username and password. Do not check the “Remember my login on this computer” option and start using your email account.

Earthlink sign in with an email program

Accessing an Earthlink email account from another computer with an email program is much more tricky. This option is recommended only if you’re familiar with setting up and configuring email accounts on email clients. Even so, please keep in mind the following:

Can you access Earthlink email that you’ve downloaded on your computer?

The Earthlink email you’ve downloaded via an email client on your computer can only be available if:

You may also be interested in reading more on how to access email from another computer

Email ISP