“I’ve been having a horrendous time lately. I cannot open my Hotmail email and have tried all what I know. The password is correct and but the page doesn’t show up with my emails.”
Jesse Campbell
“No success with Hotmail sign up. I am told that the password is incorrect and I have to type it again. This is very frustrating because I need to open some really important emails on this Hotmail account.”
Ditrapani Franco
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“Ever since my son was here on holidays, I cannot open my Hotmail because I see only his emails. Earlier, I used to click on the icon and my emails would come up. What is going on? Where have my emails gone? I hope they haven’t vanished because I had some really important stuff there.”
Paul Acquah
These are just some of the feedback I’ve received from Hotmail subscribers. As you may have gathered, there can be any number of reasons why you cannot cannot open a Hotmail email account. The first step, therefore, is to identify the problem correctly. Is the sign up page not loading? Are you getting a password incorrect error message? Or as the last of the feedbacks shows, another person’s email account loads instead of yours?
Most, if not all, Hotmail email problems can be sorted out quickly. You may need to change certain settings on your computer and restart the machine. Basic knowledge of the computer is, thus, assumed.
Cannot get the Hotmail web page
A common complaint is that one cannot open the Hotmail web page. Make sure that the internet connection is working on your computer by opening other web sites. If these load without problems, the Hotmail sign in problem can because of HTTP settings – please refer that link for details.
Hotmail password issues
The Hotmail password and username are required to access the emails on your account. If either one of these is incorrect you shall not be able to sign in. I suggest you clean up the browser cache and try again. Also ensure the caps lock key on your computer is not depressed by accident; as explained in cannot login to email account. Remember, you can always change the Hotmail password anytime you like – it’s actually recommended that you do this every few days to deter hacking attacks.
Another person’s Hotmail email account opens instead of yours
This is a minor issue. When you open the Hotmail email page and see someone else’s messages, you have to first sign out of their account and then login with your username and password. You may need to clear the stored password or you can use a different web browser. For details please refer how to use 2 Hotmail email accounts from one computer.
Cannot access Hotmail emails? – please refer that page for some more tips and solutions.
Since MSN has started with BING,I can not access Hotmail website or sign in most of the time. It worked find before.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Changing the HTTP 1.1 settings did the trick.
I cannot open any of my Hotmail emails with their upgrade since Wednesday, July 28, 2010. I never had problems before and I cannot even get access to any customer support! Help!
BHiggins, I suggest contacting the Windows Live Hotmail staff via the Windows Live Solutions Center (WLSC) – http://www.windowslivehelp.com.
I can see the list of emails BUT cannot open the ACTUAL mail PAGE to read it.
Franklyn, I suggest you contact the Hotmail staff through the Windows Live Solutions Center (WLSC) – http://www.windowslivehelp.com
Recently, I receive an email from Hotmail asking me to renew the account with my full details including password! Else, the account will be deleted and cannot be used if I dont reply in-time. Am wondering if this is a legitimate message from Hotmail? FYI, I’m an active user of Hotmail.
I was using my Hotmail account more than 10 yrs with my PC. Recently I started using it on my phone. Today I tried to open my account on the computer but it fails. Why?
Suggestion: Turn off your phone and then try accessing the Hotmail account from your computer.
Hotmail email handling is becoming such a pain. I am having so much trouble just signing in.
When I try to sign in – it says my emails are blocked. I proceeded to follow the instructions and it said the code will be sent to the emai laccount of my husband (he’s the administrator) but I noticed that the email address was his old account (gschiroky@alltel.net) which he hasn’t used anymore for a long while. His new account is gschiroky@windstream.net – this is why he hasn’t received the code which id supposed to be sent to him! Please help – I need an answer ASAP!
@Bessie Schiroky
Seems the code is being sent to the alternate email supplied at the time of sign up. Please contact the Hotmail staff through the Windows Live Help web site – http://www.windowslivehelp.com. You may need to prove that you are the owner of the account by providing your birthday, location and other such information.
The Hotmail site does not open, it’s a blank page. And I have tried everything. Cleared all the history and the browser cache, but I still have the same problem and I don’t know what to do.
It seems you have the HTTP 1.1 issue. Check the following link to iron out the problem:
Hotmail seems to be giving a lot of problems these days.
The Hotmail page is not opening again. I had this problem sometime back and now it back.