When your company name is not available as a dot-com, don’t settle for a dot-net or a dot-org. Get creative! Hunt the name down on a different TLD. In fact, it may just be more suitable for your venture! For instance, if you are a DJ, get Djibouti’s dot-dj domain.
By the way, the dot-net and dot-org were never meant for commercial entities and are for networks and organisations, respectively. On this page I’m going to list 20 awesome country domain names from which you can choose to build a memorable online brand! Best of luck!
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Montenegro – .me
Montenegro’s dot-me is one of the most popular ccTLDs. It can be used by individuals (a great vanity domain name) or even companies.
Columbia – .co
It’s extremely difficult to get a dot-com domain name because of its popularity and domain squatting. Columbia’s dot-co is a great alternative. Not only is it shorter (by one letter) but can also gel well with your company. Don’t sacrifice your brand name just because you couldn’t get an associated .com.
You can use .co for a corporation, a company or any “commercial” establishment.
Tuvalu – .tv
Dot-tv (.TV) works well for a TV channel. And since, nowadays, TV isn’t just the idiot-box, the .tv can be used by YouTubers and video-bloggers too.
Djibouti and Democratic Republic of Congo – .dj and .cd
Disc Jockeys and CD merchants should check out these TLDs. Musicians coming up with new albums can also register the album name under dot-cd.
Federated States of Micronesia and Armenia – .fm and .am
The two ccTLDs are great for FM and AM Radio stations, podcasters and even internet radio channels.
Cocos Islands and Switzerland – .cc and .ch
This are already popular with Community Colleges and Christian Churches. May the Lord guide you in getting a befitting domain name!
Latvia – .lv
Latvia’s dot-lv is suitable for businesses in or connected to Las Vegas. And LV is also short for “LOVE“. Since we’re getting all creative, here is a nice idea (you can thank me later).
How about gifting your partner a domain name with .lv ccTLD?
Ideas: myonly.lv, endless.lv, youaremyonly.lv…
I’m sure you can come up with better ones.
Laos – .la
Perfect for Los Angeles (LA) and even Latin America.
Liechtenstein – .li
Applicable for businesses and people from Long Island (LI).
Turkmenistan – .tm
Do you own a trademarked? Get the associated domain name at Turkmenistan ccTLD.
India – .in
Widely used on the Internet, the Indian “in” code is quite popular and can result in some creative names
Slovenia – .si
“Si” means “yes” in Spanish. Slovenia’s ccTLD can work well if you’re targeting Spanish speakers as in the case of Jorge Arana, a Mexican Mayor candidate, who has his web site at www.jorgearana.si.
Andorra – .ad
Can be used for any form of advertisement or advertising agency and words ending with “ad”.
Spain – .es
Great ccTLD for words ending with “es”, typically plurals. For instance, Cloth.es or Barbequ.es!
Austria – .at
For words ending with “at”.
Libya – .ly
Any word that can be suffixed by “ly”. Example bit.ly, which is a popular URL shortener. However, as per the law of the country, you cannot register an adult themed domain name.
Cook Islands – .ck
Words ending with “ck” and there are plenty of them.
Hope you all enjoyed this list. Now that you know there are tens of alternatives to the .com, best wishes for getting a domain name of choice. Check out the following companies that offer many more nifty extensions like .expert, .company, .guru, .solutions, .consulting, . marketing etc.
I leave you now with an interesting bit of trivia.
The continent of Antarctica has its own ccTLD, .aq. Unfortunately it is not open for registration to the public and is only available to government organisations that have signed the Antarctica Treaty or those physically present on the continent.
If you’ve liked this list, drop me a comment and let me know what you think.
For more options, check out the ccTLD list at Wikipedia.