Today I received a significant number of emails from users complaining that they cannot delete email stored in their Hotmail account. This seems to be the latest issue plaguing the web based email service.
Obviously, if an important function such as email deletion breaks down, people are bound to be quite irritated. So is there a solution? Can you get in touch with the Hotmail support staff who would then look into look into this problem?
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“Hotmail will not delete messages. I select these without problems but they don’t go to the Deleted folder… they just keep sitting in the inbox.”
Virginia Hanspiker
“My hotmail account is all screwed up. From today, I cannot delete email which is so very irritating. I’d rather go back to my old email account.”
Wayne R. Duttenhaver
By the way, not all Hotmail account holders are unable to delete stored email messages. This is quite like the Yahoo spell check issue which seems to have affected only some users. When some changes were made to their webmail interface, certain subscribers found a problem with Yahoo spell check which was not working correctly. Though Yahoo took some time to fix the problem, the good part was that their technical staff knew about this and would have (probably) worked very hard to have normal functioning back.
How to solve the latest Hotmail problem: not being able to delete email?
Unfortunately, I am not is a position to offer a direct solution because things seem fine at my account. However, I can suggest you check your account using a different web browser and from a different computer. If the problem persists, you need to get in touch with the Hotmail support.
Check out the Hotmail section on the Windows Live Help web site. Please read the recent posts in the online forum and the latest solutions. If it’s a major issue, you’ll find other users with whom you can commiserate. Post your complains and get answers directly from the Hotmail staff.
I cannot open email in the reading panel to read in hotmail, even I click on it. What had gone wrong?
Now, I can only read email from HOME and can’t reply or foreard or delete.
I can select the email, when I click delete or press DEL, it does not work at all.
Any help? Thank you.