Before you download and install a free CGI script from one of the sources listed on this page, make sure your hosting package supports CGI. The scripts written for Common Gateway Interface (CGI) perform various functions from simple tasks such as emailing form inputs to connecting to database and creating full-fledged shopping carts.
What is CGI and what are CGI scripts?
CGI or Common Gateway Interface allows the web server software to communicate with other programs running on the server. These programs are typically written in Perl or C language and are called CGI scripts.
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In most cases, because of security reasons or simply file segregation, web hosting packages allow you to run CGI scripts from a specific directory called cgi-bin or equivalent. If you get stuck, contact the Support at your web hosting service to understand how to run CGI scripts on your web site. Read more about the languages on the Internet.
Bravenet provides a very good set of CGI scripts which you can configure on your web site easily. These scripts have been developed with the novice in mind so you can port them and configure them easily on your web site.
CGI Resource Index
Over 2000 CGI script with more than 1900 written in Perl.
CGI Resource Index
Matt’s Script Archive
Though Matt’s Script Archive doesn’t offer a whole lot (about 18), it has been a trusted source for CGI scripts since 1995. Includes both Perl and C++ and the famous FormMail script.
Matt’s Script Archive
16 free CGI / Perl scripts like the popular Tell-a-friend, Banner Rotator, GameMaker etc.
Thousands of CGI and Perl scripts, HotScripts is probably one of the most extensive sources for scripts in all popular languages.
Advanced Web Source Design
9 great Perl scripts all of which are free and can be modified as per requirements.
Advanced Web Source Design
More than 200 Perl scripts helpfully segregated into categories ranging from Ad management to Shopping carts.
Owned by, Scriptsearch has a tad less than 1500 Perl CGI scripts for download. Also has tutorials, tips and software for developing CGI scripts.
Scripts for Educators
A variety of CGI scripts to choose from including the popular chat, page counter, email, quiz, calculators, games and much more.
Scripts for Educators
CGI City
Five original scripts and a while lot more segregated into 35 categories. You can find CGI scripts for bulletin boards, guestbooks, form processing, online auctions etc.
CGI City
With 4 free scripts and tons of resonably priced ones, offers user-friendly CGI programs to enhance your web site functionality.
Four CGI tools including a counter, guestbook, message board and online poll. The scripts are free though you need to register for an account.
A large number of CGI scripts in 24 categories. However, not all of these are free.
WWC Scripts
Four CGI scripts: EventHandler, Downloader, Smartlist Manager and WWC Notify.
WWC Scripts
Over 1000 Perl scripts such as Auctions, chat scripts, music players, search, shopping carts, download managers and much more.
15 Simple and effective CGI scripts written in both Perl and C.
Free CGI scripts for download and use. Not a huge collection but very good none the less.