Beautiful seamless web page backgrounds

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The seamless web page background your created in the last tip (Creating seamless background images) was quite drab. Now we shall put a little color to it to make it that “beautiful seamless web page background”!

Step 1

Open the file in Paint Shop Pro.

Step 2

Click on Color – Colorize…. The Colorize window pops up.

Colorize pop-up window

Step 3

Choose the settings for Hue and Saturation. Saturation affects the amount of color in the image while hue lets you pick a color.
Experiment till you get the desired result.

Step 4

Decrease the color depth in the image … click Color – Decrease color depth and select 16 colors (4 bit). Alternatively, you can use the keys SHIFT-CONTROL + F2.

Blue colored background

Step 5

I set Hue at 150 and saturation at 34 to get a blue color. Check the background here.

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