Stopping right clicks by visitors

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If you want to protect and secure content on your web page, you need to disable right clicking by visitors. When visitors right-click on a web page, they can copy images by selecting the appropriate option from the displayed menu. Here I’ll show you how to prevent right clicks on a web page and thus (?… read note below) protecting and securing the images and content on your web page. We’ll employ JavaScript and write a function that displays an “alert” box when the visitor right-clicks on the page. Try right-clicking on this page.

Put the following code inside the HEAD of your HTML document. This will display an alert when a visitor right-clicks on the page. You can customize the text displayed in the alert box by changing the value of msg variable.

function click(e)
   var msg = "No right click is allowed";
   if (document.all)
      if (event.button == 2)
         return false;
   if (document.layers)
      if (e.which == 3)
         return false;

if (document.layers)


Click here to see how this works!

Note: This method is not foolproof. A visitor will still be able to save an image if he/she keeps the left mouse pressed and then right-clicks on the page. Also, this method will not work on older browsers or browsers in which JavaScript has been disabled.

HTML JavaScript