Cannot create email address? Here are solutions

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I am facing some terrible problems. I cannot seem to create an email address. I’m trying to access the Hotmail service from my home computer but I can’t get the sign in page. What am I doing wrong?

Not everyone is computer savvy. In fact, many internet users have only recently been initiated and continually find themselves at sea. In this post I shall offer some simple troubleshooting tips for problems concerning creation of a new email address. Please understand that though I’ve tried to be thorough, I may not have come across the particular problem you are facing. Please write to me providing all the details.

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Problems in email: cannot create an email account

There are several services offering free email accounts. Though the process of getting an address from these is quite easy and straightforward, new users might get confused because to different settings and configurations of their computers or those on the ISP. So if you cannot create an email address, here are troubleshooting tips to some common problems:

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