
Articles, tutorials and resources on www.WebDevelopersNotes.com have been written/compiled by me, Manish Sharma. I make no warranties that the tutorials, tips, articles, resources and other information on this web site is correct and up-to-date. However, at the time the information was written/compiled, I had found it to be useful to ME (and ONLY ME).

Articles on WebDevelopersNotes.com would contain names of companies and their logos. These have been used solely for the purpose of providing knowledge and I do not claim these to be mine. As far as I know, WebDevelopersNotes.com does not infringe on copyrights of any company/website. If you feel that a ™ or © sign has to be used at a particular place, please do inform me and I will correct it as soon as possible.

I think you get the general idea… I, my company, my company employees, are not responsible for your failure. Though we doubt you’ll fail if you are dedicated!