Web information: Don’t trust information on the Internet

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The web is a greatest repository of information. I don’t think all the libraries of the world put together can compete with the web in the sheer diversity and quantity of information. But is all this web information correct and trustworthy?

To answer this question, we will use the WhatDoesTheInternetThink.net. This is a simple web service with quite a grandiose name. Throw in a query and it tells you (ahem!) what the internet thinks; whether people have given thumbs-up, thumbs-down or are indifferent. But is this information to be believed? I don’t think so!

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Mining web information

What does the Internet think?

I took WhatDoesTheInternetThink.com for a spin and here are the results.

Trusting information on the web

So what’s going on here? Is WhatDoesTheInternetThink.net at fault here? Maybe not. The service would probably be doing its job correctly but the data being mined may not be accurate. Thus, we shouldn’t trust the information on the web blindly.

Conclusion: Be very suspicious of the information you find on the internet. In my opinion, the web should be a good place to begin research. Always use trusted sources to build and refined what you find on the web.

I leave you now with a couple of jokes!

If it's on the Internet, it must be true.

Don't believe everything you read on the Internet

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