Tutorial MySQL – IN and BETWEEN

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This section of the tutorial MySQL looks at the In and BETWEEN operators.

To list employees who are Web Designers and System Administrators, we use a SELECT statement as

SELECT f_name, l_name, title from               
    -> employee_data where 
    -> title = 'Web Designer' OR
    -> title = 'System Administrator';

| f_name  | l_name | title                |
| Anamika | Pandit | Web Designer         |
| Mary    | Anchor | Web Designer         |
| Roger   | Lewis  | System Administrator |
| Danny   | Gibson | System Administrator |
4 rows in set (0.01 sec)

SQL also provides an easier method with IN. Its usage is quite simple.

SELECT f_name, l_name, title from
    -> employee_data where title 
    -> IN ('Web Designer', 'System Administrator');

| f_name  | l_name | title                |
| Anamika | Pandit | Web Designer         |
| Mary    | Anchor | Web Designer         |
| Roger   | Lewis  | System Administrator |
| Danny   | Gibson | System Administrator |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

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Suffixing NOT to IN will display data that is NOT found IN the condition. The following lists employees who hold titles other than Programmer and Marketing Executive.

SELECT f_name, l_name, title from
    -> employee_data where title NOT IN
    -> ('Programmer', 'Marketing Executive');

| f_name  | l_name   | title                      |
| Manish  | Sharma   | CEO                        |
| John    | Hagan    | Senior Programmer          |
| Ganesh  | Pillai   | Senior Programmer          |
| Anamika | Pandit   | Web Designer               |
| Mary    | Anchor   | Web Designer               |
| Hassan  | Rajabi   | Multimedia Programmer      |
| Paul    | Simon    | Multimedia Programmer      |
| Arthur  | Hoopla   | Multimedia Programmer      |
| Kim     | Hunter   | Senior Web Designer        |
| Roger   | Lewis    | System Administrator       |
| Danny   | Gibson   | System Administrator       |
| Mike    | Harper   | Senior Marketing Executive |
| Shahida | Ali      | Customer Service Manager   |
| Peter   | Champion | Finance Manager            |
14 rows in set (0.00 sec)

BETWEEN is employed to specify integer ranges. Thus instead of age >= 32 AND age <= 40, we can use age BETWEEN 32 and 40.

select f_name, l_name, age from
    -> employee_data where age BETWEEN
    -> 32 AND 40;

| f_name  | l_name     | age  |
| John    | Hagan      |   32 |
| Ganesh  | Pillai     |   32 |
| John    | MacFarland |   34 |
| Alok    | Nanda      |   32 |
| Hassan  | Rajabi     |   33 |
| Arthur  | Hoopla     |   32 |
| Kim     | Hunter     |   32 |
| Roger   | Lewis      |   35 |
| Danny   | Gibson     |   34 |
| Mike    | Harper     |   36 |
| Shahida | Ali        |   32 |
| Peter   | Champion   |   36 |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)

You can use NOT with BETWEEN as in the following statement that lists employees who draw salaries less than $90000 and more than $150000.

select f_name, l_name, salary
    -> from employee_data where salary
    -> 90000 AND 150000;
| f_name  | l_name     | salary |
| Manish  | Sharma     | 200000 |
| Mary    | Anchor     |  85000 |
| Fred    | Kruger     |  75000 |
| John    | MacFarland |  80000 |
| Edward  | Sakamuro   |  75000 |
| Alok    | Nanda      |  70000 |
| Paul    | Simon      |  85000 |
| Arthur  | Hoopla     |  75000 |
| Hal     | Simlai     |  70000 |
| Joseph  | Irvine     |  72000 |
| Shahida | Ali        |  70000 |
11 rows in set (0.00 sec)