Stop spam on WordPress blog

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I created a ‘blog section’ on this web site a month back. WordPress was an obvious choice because I could install it in less than a minute via the Fantastico script library in the control panel provided by my web hosting service.

As the traffic to the blog section increased, my mailbox was flooded with spam comments. I had earlier been able to curtail spam from the other pages of the site using reCAPTCHA on the feedback forms. Could I use the same to stop spam on this WordPress blog? As luck would have it, I found the reCAPTCHA plugin for WordPress. So if you too are fed up with spam on your blog, here is what you need to do.

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Install reCAPTCHA plugin to stop spam on your WordPress blog

It took me less than 2 minutes to install and activate the WordPress reCAPTCHA plugin on my blog. Here are the exact steps:

I’m sure a sufficient amount of spam will be stopped on your WordPress blog by using the reCAPTCHA plugin. Best of luck.

Blogging Security Web Development WordPress