This page contains step-by-step instructions on how to set up or add an email account in Windows Mail email client included on the Vista operating system.
In order to use windows Mail, the first thing you need to do is to set up and add your email accounts. The process is quite similar to setting up an email account in Outlook Express and I have included screen shots to help you along the way. You may need to click on some of the thumbnails for larger versions.
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Because of so many images of screenshots, this page is long and might seem intimidating – rest assured, if you follow the steps below, you will have Windows Mail configured with several email accounts in no time.
Step-by-step instructions
Step #1: Starting Windows Mail for the first time
If you are starting Windows Mail for the first time, you would see a screen very similar to one below. There is a welcome email that you can quickly and safely delete.
Step #2: Gathering the inputs you need to provide to Windows Mail to set up an email account.
Email accounts need to be added or set up one by one. So decide which one you want to add first, though, the order will hardly make a difference. Collect the following things because you would need them during the set up process.
- Username: I am sure you would already know this else consult your service provider.
- Password: You would already know this one too else consult your service provider.
- Incoming email server address: If in doubt contact your service provider or check their FAQ/help pages.
- Incoming email server type: This is usually POP3 or IMAP but to make assurance doubly sure, check with the service provider.
- Outgoing email server address: If in doubt contact your service provider or check their FAQ/help pages.
- Does your Outgoing email server require authentication? You would have to get in touch with the service provider if you don’t know this one. Or you can first test it out without authentication.
Step #3: Once you have all the information, you are ready to take off.
Go to “Tools” -> “Accounts”.
This opens the “Internet Accounts” window. Click on the “Add button”.
Step #4: Selecting the Account Type
In the “Select Account Type” window, click on “E-mail Account” and hit the “Next” button.
Step #5: Entering all information to add the email account.
Enter your “Display Name” – This can be anything you like. I would advice using your real name. (Click on the “Next” button when done).
Now enter the full email address and hit “Next”.
Select the “Incoming e-mail server type”, which is usually POP3 or IMAP.
Enter the Incoming and Outgoing mail server addresses in their fields. Unless you are absolutely sure that the Outgoing email server requires authentication, leave this one unchecked.
You are on the last window (finally); enter the username and password of your email account. Make sure that “Remember password” is checked, unless you are paranoid about security, in which case you can uncheck it and you would be asked to enter the password each time the Windows Mail email client connects to the email server.
In the last “Congratulations” window, you can either opt to download all your emails immediately (once you close the window) or to do so later. I recommend checking this box so that you can download the emails later and hitting the “Finish” button.
Though your account has been successfully added to Windows Mail, I suggest you follow the steps to configure Windows Mail email accounts detailed in the next page, especially, if you plan to add lots of accounts.