mysql online tutorial – Null column type

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The NULL column type is special in many ways. To insert a NULL value, just leave the column name from the INSERT statement. Columns have NULL as default unless specified by NOT NULL. You can have null values for integers as well as text or binary data.
NULL cannot be compared using arithmetic operators. Comparisons for NULL take place with IS NULL or IS NOT NULL.

select e_id, children
from employee_per
where children IS NOT NULL;

| e_id | children |
|    2 |        3 |
|    3 |        2 |
|    7 |        3 |
|    9 |        1 |
|   11 |        4 |
|   12 |        3 |
|   13 |        2 |
|   15 |        3 |
|   16 |        2 |
|   17 |        1 |
|   21 |        2 |
11 rows in set (0.00 sec)

The above lists ids and no. of children of all employees who have children.