Link Popularity Services

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Link Popularity has become one of the important factors on which a web site is ranked by search engines. Let us first know what it is and why is it so important for several search engine algorithms.

What is Link Popularity?

Link Popularity measures the number of pages that link to your web site. Such links are also called in-bound links – links which allow visitors to come in your web site. The greater the number of in-bound links, the higher the link popularity. From a search engine ranking algorithm point of view, this seems quite logical. The more the in-bound links the better would be your site because other sites will only link to yours if they have found your web site informative or helpful.

How to measure the Link Popularity of your web site?

There are several tools and services available online that will give an idea of the Link Popularity. The different web site link popularity checkers listed below provide different kind of results. It is good to keep a tab on the link popularity index of your web site because it determines how your site would rank on search engines.

How to increase link popularity?

Getting people to link to your web site is not very easy – it requires a lot of time and effort. Before you approach other web site administrators be sure that your web site is fully functional and that it offers a “Links” or equivalent page. Place a link to the other web site from yours and then send a polite email to the web master requesting them to link to your web site. Make sure you describe (briefly!) your web site in the email and mention the reasons why you want an link from the other site. If you can trace the name of the web master (from their “Contact Us” or equivalent page), nothing like it! You would then be able to personalize your email and address the web administrators by their name. This little extra effort will go a long way in getting you an in-bound link. Also write a small phrase containing your keywords. This phrase will form the “hot spot” for the link. And don’t forget the URL of your web site or the direct link to the page on which you placed a link to their web site. Finally, don’t be disheartened by refusals or if the web master does not respond, just keep a tab on everything.

An important point concerning linking and link popularity: Approach only good sites for link placement requests and link exchanges. So how do you know that a site is good or which is shoddy? A rough indication of the quality of a web site is its Google Page Rank value. The Google PR value is available on the Google toolbar and varies between 0 and 10, where 10 is the highest rank. PR is how Google measures a web site and so you can safely assume that a site with high PR is a good quality site. However, Google PR is no indication of the amount of traffic a web site gets. For that you need to refer to How to know web site traffic rankings.

Results from Link Popularity checkers

The different web site link popularity checkers listed below provide different kind of results. It is good to keep a tab on the link popularity index of your web site because it determines how your site would rank on search engines.

Here are some link popularity services which will help you in knowing how many pages link to yours.

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