HTML help – Special Characters

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The keyboard contains only alphabet, numbers and some punctuation marks. What if you wanted to include a © symbol on your pages like I have (scroll down this page, and you shall find this symbol). Such symbols are special characters called Character Entities, which can be displayed in HTML pages using a certain notation.

This notation can be of two types:

Thus, the copyright sign can be displayed by © or © Here are a few common characters which you might need for your pages:

I had mentioned at the beginning that HTML is case insensitive and so, it doesn’t make a difference if you write <FONT>, <font>, <Font> or <FoNt> (… hope you get the general idea!). Character entities, however, are case sensitive- &nbsp; will work but &NBSP; won’t. Try it out yourself.

Name Notation Number Notation Special Character
&amp; &#38; &
&lt; &#60; <
&gt; &#62; >
&trade; &#153;
&nbsp; &#160; Empty space
&cent; &#162; ¢
&pound; &#163; £
&yen; &#165; ¥
&copy; &#169; ©
&reg; &#174; ®
&deg; &#176; °
&frac14; &#188; ¼
&frac12; &#189; ½
&frac34; &#190; ¾

The entire list of character entities can be found here.

Remember, all tags in HTML are enclosed by < and > signs. To display these signs, you have to use their special character notations. Thus, to display <HTML>, you have to write the < and > signs in their special notations as &lt;HTML&gt;.