HTML forms selection list and double-clicks

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The double-click mouse action is captured by ondblclick() event handler. We’ll see how to use it in a selection list to display the selected text in another text field.
IMP: For ondblclick() to work, the size of the selection list must be more than 1.

Put the function below in the HTML head section between the SCRIPT tags


function put_it()
   var w = document.myform.sel_list.selectedIndex;
   document.myform.r_text.value = 


Now, we create the selection list and the text field.

<FORM NAME="myform">
<SELECT NAME="sel_list" ondblclick="put_it()" SIZE="3">
<OPTION VALUE="value1">The First Item
<OPTION VALUE="value2">The Second Item
<OPTION VALUE="value3">The Third Item
<OPTION VALUE="value4">The Fourth Item
<OPTION VALUE="value5">The Fifth Item
<INPUT TYPE="TEXT" VALUE="" NAME="r_text" SIZE="20">

Click here to see how this works!

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