Email and its popularity
Email is the most popular application of the Internet. It has been a smashing hit ever since we realized that we can correspond with other people across the world so easily and quickly. Compared to other forms of correspondence, the cost of sending an email is virtually negligible.
When Instant Messaging came to the Internet, people thought that it would give email a run for its “money”, however, one should understand that the two differ in the nature of communication. Instant messaging over the net involves the two parties to be online at the same time which is not necessary for email.
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However, in the same breath I would like to mention the SMS and MMS services over cellphone networks. Though these services are popular it’s difficult to envisage that they would replace emails in the near future (that’s 2-3 years!).
Over the past 3 years, I have noticed that email, instant messaging and cell phone SMS, have overlapped each others territories and it is difficult to differentiate between them. I say this from personal experience – I can send emails from my cell phone and SMS my friends via the net. I am sure that as technology progresses, email, instant messaging and SMS will evolve into something that will be much more powerful that these three combined!
From being disdainfully regarded as a casual form of communication, email has matured over the years. It is now accepted as a tool in formal communication. Isn’t it easier, and environment friendly, to send an email to 500 employees than printing 500 sheets on a letterhead. It has, thus, been the ease of communication that has lead to the immense popularity of email. I remember the days when invoices sent over fax where not honored by government departments (aren’t they the ones to catch up last?). Now, I send invoices as attachments over email and receive orders online!
Email still remains the principle method of communication over the Internet – it’s fun, easy and fast!
Why keep a backup of emails
Email has been the principal form of communication over the Internet. As more and more businesses came online, they all used email to interact with clients and other businesses. The need for email management soon arose. And so did a need for working with emails using a friendlier interface. Enter Email Clients – programs that send, receive, catalogue, store and search emails messages.
Outlook Express is one such program. It is free and distributed with Internet Explorer or Microsoft’s Windows operating system. The immense popularity of the browser and the operating system has made Outlook Express the preferred email client across the world. Not only is it easy and user friendly, it does what it is supposed to do pretty well.
Coming back to our discussions on emails; it would be disastrous for a business to lose all email messages. Emails can be lost because of computer crashes that can occur due to power outrages, viruses and worms, software malfunctioning or physical manhandling of the machine. It is, thus, very important for all businesses, and even individuals, to take regular backups of their email messages.
Let us see how we can take backup of Outlook Express email messages.