I am thinking of getting a web site and have registered a domain name. Apologies for so many questions but I am new to this. How much of space do I get with the domain name? How much do I need for a web site and about 30 email addresses? I want to run an online shop to sell cuff-links and tie pins and plan to have several photos for each product. Thank you in advance.
Jody Barn
Jody, congratulations on acquiring a domain name which is the first step towards a professional web presence. You now need to set up the 30 email accounts and create a placeholder home page for your web site. And for this you need to host the domain name on a web server. So let us first ascertain whether any web hosting package is available with your domain name.
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Space along with domain name
Generally domain names are sold as is, with no storage space. However, this may not be true in your case because different web hosting companies offer different plans. So if the total value of your order was about $10-$20 (assuming you’ve registered the domain name for only one year), chances are that you have purchased just the domain name and nothing else. I suggest you contact the company and make assurance doubly sure. And while you are at it, get the price of their basic web hosting package.
Web hosting space for emails and web site
Continuing the last sentence, a basic web hosting plan will probably be more than sufficient. You would be able to create 30 email accounts (more!) and put up your online store with tons of photos. As I have explained in another article, the space required for hosting a web site for small and medium sized businesses is not as much as you expect, even when you have hundreds of pictures.
Thus, a starter plan from most web hosting companies will be just fine for your needs. Check out some recommended web hosting companies.
Where to host your web site?
A domain name is simply a name – it’s not your web site. This means you are under no compulsion to take web hosting from the same (domain name) company. The competition is fierce in this industry and if you feel you are getting a better deal elsewhere, there is nothing stopping you in hosting the web site with a different company – read purchasing web hosting for a domain name for details.
But if you are new to the web world, I advise hosting the web site with the same company from where you bought the domain name. Otherwise you might have to tinker around with DNS settings which involves changing the name servers associated with the domain name so that they point to the server of the other web hosting company. (This may sound very “techie” but its actually quite a simple process)
Finally, read how to create email addresses on the domain name to set up the 30 accounts.