Is it possible to use other fonts in my email signature on Yahoo? I am not happy with what is on offer. I think these fonts are too plain and want something more fancy that actually looks like a signature.
Wayne Detzler
At the time of writing, Yahoo mail has only a few fonts: Arial, Bookman Old Style, Courier, Garamond, Lucida Console, Tahoma, Times New Roman and Verdana. Unfortunately, there is no ‘direct’ way of using a different font in the email signature. However, here is a nice and simple workaround.
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How to put a font of choice in an email signature
The easiest way to put a font of your choose in the email signature is to convert it to an image using a graphics editor. This is not as difficult as it sounds and you don’t need to install special software – all the tools are available either on your computer or on the web.
For instance, the Windows operating system has Paint, a free image editor. Those working on Mac or Linux/Unix computers can employ an equivalent program. There is also a full-fledged graphics editor available online – Below are the steps for Pixlr image editor.
- Load the Pixlr editor in a browser window – and click “Create a new image” – [Slide 1].
- Specify the width and height of the image – these values are in pixels. For this example, I am using a 300×100 pixel image as the email signature – [Slide 2]. No need to check the “Transparent” checkbox or provide a name for the image.
- A new blank image will be placed in the work space – [Slide 3].
- Select the “Type tool” (the one with the Uppercase ‘A’) – [Slide 4].
- Click on the image and start typing the email signature – [Slide 5].
- To put this text in the font of your choice, simply select it from the drop down – [Slide 6].
- The eagle-eyed would have noticed that both the font size and color can also be changed – [Slide 7].
- But there is a lot of white space around the text. We need to get rid of this – [Slide 8].
- Choose the “Crop tool” [Slide 9] and click-drag to select the entire text – [Slides 10 and 11]. You should see the borders that define your selection and can easily refine the same by dragging the small squares at the corners.
- Once satisfied, click anywhere on the image. You are now asked to confirm the action. Choose the “Yes” button – [Slide 12].
- Great! You now get an image with just the text in the fancy font and with all the white space removed – [Slide 13]
- Select “Save” from the “File” menu [Slide 14], give a name to the image and choose a format – I recommend PNG or JPG – [Slide 15]. Save it to your computer.
This image which has the font of your choice is now ready to be uploaded to your email account as a signature. Read how to put an image in Yahoo email signature.
very nice…….