- Safari browser available as a separate download for Mac OS X [2003]
- Modern software industry created [1969]
- Antarctica Treaty comes into force [1961]
- Enovid – first officially approved oral contraceptive drug [1960]
- First SAT exam [1926]
- International Olympic Committee founded [1894]
- William Gray awarded patent for first pay phone [1891]
- Christopher Sholes receives patent for Type-Writer [1868]
- First multi-millionaire in the US [1810]
- Mik Kersten [1975]
Inventor of Task-Force Interface - Vint Cerf [1943]
One of the Fathers of the Internet - Alan Turing [1912]
Pioneer of the field of computer science
Death Anniversaries
- Gene Colan [2011]
American comic book artist who created 'The Falcon' and 'Blade' - Wilhelm Eduard Weber [1891]
Inventor of the first electromagnetic telegraph