Email signature tips for all users

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Email signature is small bit of information which is attached automatically to outgoing messages. It can be plain text or much more elaborate with colors, images, web links etc., and can be set up in all email programs and popular email services. But what are the benefits of an email signature?

We’ll first look into those and I’ll then offer some great tips on creating meaningful email signatures and using them effectively for personal and business communications.

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What is an email signature used for and what are the advantages?

The purpose of email signatures can be varied as it all depends on how the account is used. That said, an email signature is generally used to forward name and contact details to the recipient.

The most important advantage of email signatures is time saving – you don’t have to type in the information each time. They can also be used as a sales or a promotion tool.

Tips on what to include in an email signature

There are actually no hard and fast rules for email signatures. You can include whatever you want or simply not have anything! As I mentioned before, it all depends on the nature of the email account. If you do plan to use an email signature, check out these simple tips below.

Remember, the success and effectiveness of an email signature lies in its brevity. Avoid lengthy quotes and “The Corporate Disclaimer” which goes on ad nauseam and is sometimes longer than the actual contents of the email. You can find more tips on what to avoid in email signatures at urlesque.

Tips on using email signatures

I’m sure you now understand what an email signature is and what it should contain. Though it’s very useful, one has a tendency to take it for granted and get accustomed to it fairly quickly. Here are a few things to keep in mind.

Email Tips