Sometime back Mozilla posted a video on Youtube that explains how you can make a strong password for web-based accounts. What I liked about this little gem is the simplicity of the idea which was supported by a cast of cartoony characters called Tom and Jennifer. However, there is something missing…
First check out the video below.
Now weren’t these the simplest of tips? And anyone, even a newbie, can use these to create a super strong password. To sum up:
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And there you have it!
A strong password customized for each web service. But, and this is a very important point, ask yourself, is this password easy to remember?
I don’t think so.
We started off by picking a memorable phrase and this shouldn’t be difficult, right? But will you be able to recall the capitalization (if any) you’ve used? Or the symbols that were added as a prefix and/or suffix?
The important thing about passwords is not how you can make them strong and complex but also how well you are able to remember them. Look, I’m not trying to undermine the good work of Mozilla (the same company that gave us Firefox and Thunderbird). The video offers valuable tips but the point is, how can you remember a password? Click that link to know more!
Important points when creating passwords
- Not all web services allow the use of special characters in password.
- Never use the same password on two or more web sites.
- One of the first things hackers employ when infiltrating an account is to access it using the most common passwords. Make sure your password isn’t one of them!
- The security question and its secret answer are as important as the account password – the two are actually interdependent. Learn how to create a good security question and protect your online information.
Simple and easy. Thanks for helping me make a good strong password.
Great ideas and some really sound advice.
Thanks for these great tips on creating a password. I now have a strong password for the account and feel safe. Regs.
These tips are great. The best part is, how we can use similar (not same) passwords on different web sites without sacrificing security.
I liked the video. Very educational. And your tips were very helpful.