AOL email toolbar

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In this article I’m going to detail the AOL email toolbar – the one that is displayed at the top of the large text box in which you compose the message. If you’ve arrived on this page looking for the AOL web browser toolbar, get it from here.

AOL, like all the other popular email services, lets you compose messages in both plain text and rich-text formats. Normally, most people wouldn’t care for vanilla text messages because everyone now has a fancy email program or uses a service that can display email with all the fancy formatting a 10 year old can stuff in.

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Format email message with the AOL toolbar

In AOL, composing email in rich text format is selected by default which means the toolbar should be displayed at the top of the large text box. If it’s not, make sure you have the “Use Rich Text / HTML Editing” option checked under “Settings” -> “Compose“.

The AOL email toolbar - format your email messages

The toolbar offers one-click beautification options. You can either compose the entire message and then embellish it or apply the formatting as you go along. The toolbar has several icons and placing the mouse cursor over these displays a small tool tip. Here is how you can decorate an email message.

Coupled with AOL email stationery, the rich-text toolbar can help you create a killer email message!

By the way, a similar kind of toolbar – though toned down – is present above the AOL email signature composition box.