AOL email setting – customize your account

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Once you’ve got the hang of the basics features and functions, it’s time to change the AOL email settings as per your needs. Don’t think this is a useless exercise because it might just save you tons of time and increase productivity.

I shall be providing a quick tour of six sections. Most of these have multiple options. By the way, nothing is written in stone so you can always go back and undo the modifications you had made earlier. And remember, the changes you make will only take effect once you click the “Save” button.

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The sleuth of options are located under the aptly named “Settings” section – select it from the “Options” drop down; refer image below.

AOL email account options and settings

General AOL email account settings

The first section under Settings. This is where you customize the basics aspects of the AOL email account.

Compose settings

AOL Spam Settings


This section provides the settings for POP and IMAP email protocols. Unless you want to download AOL email to your computer simply ignore all this technical gibberish!
FYI, storing AOL emails on your computer through an email client is not as difficult as it sounds. And you probably already have an email program on your computer which will do this job very well. Also, check AOL incoming and outgoing mail servers for more information.

Filter Settings

AOL email filters will automatically sort incoming email into specified folders and this feature can be a real time saver.