How do I add MP3 song on web page?

How do I add MP3 song on web page? cover image
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AudioPlay from lets you add an MP3 song on a web page and is so simple and customizable that even people with the most basic web development skills can use it. But before I tell you all the fine details, click on the small ‘play’ symbol below to hear a song.

Music file from

Add songs and music to pages on your web site and blog

I’d earlier provided instructions on how to add music to your web site using the service but this gets you just the snippets of the songs. With AudioPlay, you can put complete songs in MP3 format on any web page.

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AudioPlay can be used on standard web sites and even blogs (remember blogs are just a type of web site). There are two ways to go about it.

Though you can add music to a Blogger blog page using, I do think AudioPlay is a better alternative as it will play whatever you give it and not just small 30 second bits. Come to think of it, this neat flash based music player is a great way to put audio from lectures on a web site. (Someone just asked me about this yesterday.)
