Windows 7: blue screen of death

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The Windows 7 operating system was launched on the 22nd of October 2009. Just a couple of days after its first anniversary, my Sony Vaio laptop crashed! Windows 7 shows me the dreaded blue screen of death.

I thought the days of the BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) were over. Before the Windows 7 computer, I used Vista for almost two years (Lenovo machine) and ne’er had any issues. The same with the Thinkpad running XP.

Blue screen of death on Windows 7

At 10:22pm the Windows 7 computer goes caput just when I was about the finish the day’s work. Isn’t it surprising that such things happen in the night especially when you are about to call it a day?

Anyway, I was stunned to see the BSOD and before I could get my cell phone to grab a picture, the system shutdown… or did I do that? Like I said, I was too dazed!!!

On restarting, I got the following message:

Windows 7 - Blue screen error message on restarting the computer

T-shirt commemorating the Blue Screen Of Death

And I need to get a T-shirt commemorating the Blue Screen Of Death on my Windows 7 Sony VAIO! Quite geeky!

Blue Screen Of Death - BSOD - T-shirt available on

Other Windows 7